24 August 2013

Do you need "stuff" for your classroom?

Hi to all my teaching colleagues,

Ok, as if writing a children’s book is not enough of an intense time consuming endeavour. Now we are adding something more to the whole business ... I (we) will be putting up, in the very near future, graphics and printable manipulatives for teachers. The goal is to produce original, useful and inexpensive materials. 

We all know that schools don't exactly open the vault when it comes to purchasing for a teachers classroom needs; graphics, PowerPoint’s, graphic material / content for Notebook, printable activities, things to decorate your classroom, etc ... So A-M and I decided to launch a boutique on Teachers pay Teachers. 

Now, with a view to producing really useful fun stuff, let us know what you want, what do you need, what would be a valuable addition. We'll see what we can come up with for you. 

Bookmark the site below. Best Teacher Tools is the name of this new part to what we are about. You can also connect via our shop boutique list. We will be putting up stuff for all grades levels and subject matter as the inspiration and the suggestions arise. 

Stay tuned!


TeachersPayTeachers  - Lesson Plans,Teaching Materials and Other Teacher-Created Resources


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